

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Comprehensive Dental Rehabilitation and Holistic Dental Solutions at Dentists In Annerley, Brisbane

At Dentists In Annerley, we offer full mouth rehabilitation, also known as full mouth reconstruction, catering to individuals with extensive dental needs. This advanced dental treatment aims to comprehensively restore the mouth’s functionality, health, and appearance.

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Who Can Benefit From Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

This treatment is ideal for patients experiencing:

  • Extensive tooth loss due to decay or injury.
  • Significant tooth wear from acid erosion or bruxism (teeth grinding).
  • Persistent jaw, muscle, or headache pain necessitating bite adjustment.

The Detailed Process

  • Thorough Evaluation: We start with a comprehensive examination, incorporating dental X-rays, 3D scans, and teeth models. This helps in understanding the degree of damage and formulating a rehabilitation plan.
  • Customised Treatment Plan: We devise a bespoke treatment plan that may include dental implants, crowns, bridges, veneers, orthodontics, and periodontal care, focusing on restoring both function and aesthetics.
  • Phased Treatment Strategy: The rehabilitation may occur in stages, allowing manageable treatment sessions and healing time.
  • Integrated Care: Our team collaborates with dental specialists, including periodontists, orthodontists, and oral surgeons, to provide all-encompassing care.
  • Restoring Function and Appearance: The aim is to repair or replace all teeth in the mouth, enhancing chewing efficiency, speech, and overall dental health, while also improving the visual appeal of your teeth.
  • Consistent Follow-ups: Regular monitoring and adjustments are essential parts of the treatment process.
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Benefits of Full Mouth Rehabilitation 

  • Enhanced Oral Health: Tackles various dental issues, promoting a healthier oral environment and decreasing future dental risks.
  • Improved Aesthetics: Transforming your smile can greatly uplift self-esteem and life quality.
  • Tailored Solutions: Every aspect of the treatment is customised to meet individual needs and aesthetic preferences.
  • Longevity: With proper maintenance, the results can be enduring.

What You Can Expect

  • Initial Consultation: Discuss your dental history, concerns, and objectives.
  • Comprehensive Assessment: A detailed evaluation to determine your oral health condition.
  • In-depth Explanation: We thoroughly explain all potential treatments and their processes.
  • Continuous Support: We offer ongoing guidance and care throughout your treatment journey.

At Dentists In Annerley, we’re dedicated to not just treating dental issues, but also enhancing your overall wellbeing and confidence through expert full mouth rehabilitation.

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Full mouth rehabilitation, also known as full mouth reconstruction, involves a comprehensive series of dental procedures designed to restore the health, function, and appearance of the entire mouth. This extensive treatment can include a combination of procedures like crowns, bridges, veneers, implants, and sometimes orthodontics and periodontal therapy. It’s typically recommended for patients with extensive dental issues, including severe wear, multiple missing teeth, and significant functional or aesthetic concerns.

Patients who might need full mouth rehabilitation include those with multiple broken or worn teeth, extensive tooth decay, severely eroded enamel, advanced periodontal disease, and those who have experienced traumatic dental injuries. It can also benefit individuals with congenital conditions affecting their teeth.

The benefits include improved oral health, enhanced functionality for biting and chewing, relief from discomfort or pain, and a significant improvement in the appearance of the smile. It can also help address issues like headaches or jaw pain associated with bite misalignment.

The duration of full mouth rehabilitation varies greatly depending on the complexity of individual cases and the specific procedures involved. It can range from several months to over a year, with multiple appointments and phases of treatment.

While the procedures involved in full mouth rehabilitation can be extensive, modern dentistry techniques and anaesthesia options make the process as comfortable as possible. Post-treatment discomfort varies but is usually manageable with prescribed or over-the-counter pain medication.

Procedures can include dental implants, crowns, bridges, veneers, dentures, root canal therapy, gum disease treatment, orthodontics, bone or soft tissue grafting, and tooth extractions, depending on individual needs.

The cost of full mouth rehabilitation varies widely depending on the extent of treatment required and the specific procedures involved. It’s considered a significant investment in oral health, with costs potentially running into the tens of thousands. Many dental practices offer financing plans to help manage the expense.

Dental insurance may cover some components of full mouth rehabilitation, particularly those deemed medically necessary, such as certain restorative procedures. Cosmetic aspects of the treatment are typically not covered. Patients should consult their insurance provider for specific coverage details.

A thorough dental examination, including X-rays, scans, and possibly models of your teeth, is required to determine if you’re a candidate. Your dentist will assess your oral health, dental history, and specific needs to make this determination.

Yes, it can have a positive impact on overall health. Oral health problems can contribute to other health issues, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections. Improving oral health can help mitigate these risks.

Recovery varies based on the procedures performed. Some discomfort, swelling, and adjustments to eating and speaking are common initially. Your dentist will provide detailed aftercare instructions and schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your recovery and the success of the treatment.

As with any extensive dental procedures, there are risks, including infection, nerve damage, and reactions to anesthesia. However, these risks are minimized when the treatment is performed by experienced dental professionals.

When planned and executed correctly, full mouth rehabilitation has a high success rate. Long-term success depends on proper oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, and adherence to any recommended maintenance procedures.

Regular dental check-ups, good oral hygiene practices, avoiding habits like smoking or chewing hard objects, and adhering to any specific care instructions for restorations are essential for maintaining the results.

Yes, one of the objectives of full mouth rehabilitation can be to correct bite and jaw alignment issues. This not only improves the function and appearance of the teeth but can also alleviate symptoms like jaw pain, headaches, and difficulties in chewing.