07 2111 5189

Emergency Dental Highgate Hill

Have you got a dental emergency in the Highgate Hill area? Don’t delay—get in touch with us or come into the clinic as soon as possible. Our emergency dental staff are ready and waiting to help alleviate your pain.

Reliable Emergency Dentistry near Highgate Hill

Our experienced emergency dentists near Highgate Hill can treat your wisdom tooth pain, dental trauma, toothaches, facial swelling, abscess, broken teeth and much more. Our dental practice is prepared to help in many types of crises.

Bring the tooth or any teeth fragments into the clinic if you’ve lost or broken a tooth. If you experience significant swelling of the face, eyes or throat, difficulty breathing or seeing, any loss of consciousness or vomiting, please call 000 (triple zero) immediately.

Lost Tooth?

The most common cause we see for knocked-out teeth is injury or an accident. It is possible to reinsert a knocked-out tooth if you take quick action. If you’ve had an accident in Highgate Hill resulting in a lost tooth, come to see us at the practice right away.

There is a small window of 45-60 minutes to reinsert the tooth. We are a 7-minute drive away from Highgate Hill, giving you plenty of time for reinsertion.

At your emergency appointment, a dentist will inspect your gums, clean the area, and attempt to reimplant your tooth.

For the best chances of successful reinsertion, handle the tooth carefully. Only pick the tooth up by the crown (the white part), not the root. Run the tooth under a gentle stream of water, or rinse it in your own saliva or milk if no water is available. Do not scrub the tooth.

On your way to the appointment, place your tooth back in the socket. Make sure the tooth is facing the correct way, with the root side down in the gum. Bite down on something soft, like a tissue, to keep the tooth stable and in place.

If you cannot place the tooth back in the socket, store it in milk until your appointment. Do not store the tooth in water.

Traumatic Injuries toThe Mouth

At our clinic near Highgate Hill, we treat patients with traumatic injury to the soft tissue of the mouth and teeth. We understand that dental trauma can be painful and distressing.

Trauma can include teeth that have been cracked, broken, lost or pushed back due to injury. It can also mean cuts or bleeding to the mouth tissue from an impact.

On your way to the clinic, use a clean piece of fabric like a cloth or tea towel to apply pressure to the wound. We also recommend icing the area for 20 minutes at a time.

For severe trauma with symptoms like dizziness, vomiting, nausea, head/body injuries, blurry vision or fatigue, call emergency services immediately.

What to Do If You Have Broken or Lost a Filling?

If you’ve broken or cracked a tooth or filling near Highgate Hill, come to our clinic in Annerley straight away to avoid added pain and complications. Even if you’re not in pain—you may still be susceptible to further damage or infection. Do not attempt to treat your broken tooth at home.

Try to retrieve any bits of teeth that have broken off. Clean the area and any teeth fragments using warm water, milk or saliva, then store the fragments in a container with milk until you can get to the clinic.

Facial Swelling

Extreme cases of facial swelling require immediate attention. If you’re experiencing closure of the throat or difficulty breathing, this is a life-threatening situation, and you must call triple zero (000) immediately.

If your facial swelling is minimal, it might be caused by an infection. In that case, our Highgate Hill dentists can treat you with antibiotics and other methods to bring down swelling.

Tooth Aches and Emergency Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Call our clinic right away if you have a sudden and severe toothache that requires immediate dental care. An intense toothache may be caused by a number of things, including:

Broken Teeth

We will need to examine the tooth to determine what is causing the toothache. Keep an eye out for pain with hot or cold food, a dull ache that doesn’t disappear, or any facial swelling.

We often find that wisdom teeth cause tooth and jaw pain in our patients. Wisdom teeth that fail to emerge correctly can cause multiple oral health problems. If your wisdom teeth sit close to the inferior alveolar nerve, we may have to perform special surgery for removal. We can examine this with a special OPG radiograph or a CBCT (3D) scan. We will let you know if this is something that will be required before removal. Our dentists are trusted experts in removing wisdom teeth near Highgate Hill.

Our Services